Today, I observed a few new organisms in my microaquarium. With the help of Dr. McFarland, I was able to identify 3 euplotes. Euplotes are "common and widespread hypotrich ciliates" (Patterson 2003, Fig. 260). I noticed that the euplotes seemed to be stirring much of the contents surrounding them in the microaquarium and Dr. McFarland told me that euplotes generate water currents in order to feed themselves. I found that very interesting. I also noted several small organisms that were similar in form. They were either ciliates or flagellates, but their size made them difficult to classify. Last, but not least, I observed a vorticella. The vorticella could be characterized by a tail that attached it to particles within the environment.
Patterson, D.J. . Free-living Freshwater Protazoa: A Colour Guide. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press; 2003.