Monday, November 14, 2011

Observation 5: (11/10/2011)

For my 5th observation, I observed a few more new species of organisms. Along with the organisms previously mentioned in my blog, I noted tons of euchlanis rotifers, three nematodes, and a mite. One distinguishing characteristic of the euchlanis rotifers was their motion. The euchlanis rotifers seemed to spiral as they propelled themselves forward. Euchlanis rotifers are known for having two feet for swimming and typically eat bacteria, small protozoans, and other debris (Davidson 2003).

As I continued to observe, I managed to find three nematodes. Each one was partially concealed by either soil or other organic matter. However, it was their quick, writhing movements that caught my eye. Each nematode would slither in and out of the matter, occasionally coming to a standstill. I was stunned to discover that nematodes are " the most numerous multicellular animals on earth". These organisms are known to feed off of fungi, other nematodes, and bacteria. (University of Nebraska-Lincoln,) This may explain why they were all positioned near organic matter, especially decaying organic matter, for this would be the most likely place for bacteria to be located.
Finally, one of my most interesting discoveries was that of a single mite. The mite was to be found in the bottom of my microaquarium in the sediment, the typical living environment of an aquatic mite (Micrographia,). The mite crawled forward very slowly before finally burrowing down into the soil. Something I noticed was that the mite seemed to have a few organisms living on its back such as rotifers, etc.


Davidson, M. 2003. Differential Interference Contrast Image Gallery: Euchlanis Rotifer. [Online]. Available from:
Accessed 2011 Nov. 14.

What are Nematodes? [Online]. Available from: Accessed 2011 Nov. 14.

Hydracarina. Water Mites. [Online]. Available from: Accessed 2011 Nov. 14.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Observation 4: (11/3/2011)

Today, I noted that there was a tremendous increase in the amount of living organisms in my microaquarium. The numbers of each organism must have at least quadrupled. Upon initially viewing my microaquarium without a microscope, it appeared as though algae of some sort had begun to grow on plants A and B. Like before, my microaquarium contained euplotes, vorticella, and diatoms. However, I found two additional variations of diatoms and a new ciliate within the aquatic environment.
The ciliate, Blepharisma, is known to consume the bacteria that result from dead vegetation (Hanna 2004). Although there were only two that I saw, their presence indicated the decay that was occurring within my microaquarium from dead organisms as well as Plant A and Plant B. The two additional shapes of diatoms that I noticed were square shaped and round with an outer rim that took on the appearance of a star bursting (Sarconid Actinosphaerium). There were well over 50 different diatoms and contrary to last time, I noted movement, namely in the pennate diatoms. The diatoms moved very slowly, appearing to float. 
In regards to the distribution of organisms, I noted that there was a variety of organisms near the soil layer of my microaquarium. Also, where the plants appeared to be brown and in decay, concentration of organisms was greater. This is probably due to the fact that several of these organisms feed on detritus.

Hanna, Jannette. Nov. 2004. Blepharisma.  Accessed 2011 Nov. 7

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Observation 3: (10/28/2011)

My aquatic environment has become more diverse. Today, I found several more vorticella. There were at least 5 this time.

Meanwhile, there were 4 new organisms that I discovered within my microaquarium during this observation: a diatom, a philodina, an amoeba, and an epalxis. 

                                            The diatom is a unicellular organism with a yellow-brown chloroplast                                          and a silica wall. The one found in my microaquarium would be classified                                        as pennate (or pen-shaped) which is the common diatom form in freshwater                                      environments. (Egmond 2006) As I observed my diatom, I didn't notice 
                                     any form of movement. I thought I'd found a dead organism. However, Dr. 
                                     McFarland assured me that it was indeed alive.

     As I was perusing the area around Plant B in my aquatic environment, 
a philodina caught my eye. Partially hidden by one of Plant B's leaves, I 
noticed the worm-like philodina as it would lunge its head out before 
retreating and returning to its original stationary position for a few more
moments. I spotted 2 more of these during the rest of my observation.
A rotifer, philodina eat detritus and small plankton organisms by generating
water currents with ciliary action. The creation of such currents also ensures
that the philodina receive an adequate oxygen supply (Pennak 1953).

   In my microaquarium, there was also a single amoeba, a eukaryotic microorganism
                           that moves with the help of pseudopods ("false feet"). Amoeba feed through                                          phagocytosis, a process in which the amoeba engulfs the food particle so as to 
                           consume it (van Egmond Astorienella 2006). It was very interesting to view the                                      slight movement within the amoeba.

     Finally, I observed an epalxis. An epalxis is a ciliate that has the ability to
move extremely fast. Mine would dart everywhere and getting a picture of it
was extremely difficult. However, I was able to get a photograph. My photo
surprisingly captured the hook on the epalxis that distinguishes it from other 
ciliates. This hook can be seen on the left side.


van Egmond Asterionella, W. 6 Jan 2006. DIATOMS. <                        /mag/wimsmall/diadr.html>. Accessed 2011 November 1.

Pennak. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. New York:Ronald Press Company; 1953.

Food Pellet Time! (10/21/2011)

On Friday October 21, 2011, Dr. McFarland inserted one Beta Food Pellet into my microaquarium.
Pellet: "Atison's Betta Food" 
Made by: Ocean Nutrition, Aqua Pet Americas, 3528 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. 
Ingredients: Fish meal, wheat flower, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins and preservatives. Analysis: Crude Protein 36%; Crude fat 4.5%; Crude Fiber 3.5%; Moisture 8% and Ash 15%.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Observation 2: (10/18/2011)

Today, I observed a few new organisms in my microaquarium. With the help of Dr. McFarland, I was able to identify 3 euplotes. Euplotes are "common and widespread hypotrich ciliates" (Patterson 2003, Fig. 260). I noticed that the euplotes seemed to be stirring much of the contents surrounding them in the microaquarium and Dr. McFarland told me that euplotes generate water currents in order to feed themselves. I found that very interesting. I also noted several small organisms that were similar in form. They were either ciliates or flagellates, but their size made them difficult to classify. Last, but not least, I observed a vorticella. The vorticella could be characterized by a tail that attached it to particles within the environment.


Patterson, D.J. . Free-living Freshwater Protazoa: A Colour Guide. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press; 2003.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Botany 111 Term Project Day 1 (Oct. 11, 2011): Aquatic Environment Setup

Today in lab, we set up microaquariums for our term project, the purpose of which are to introduce us to taxonomy (classifying organisms). First, we were required to label our microaquariums with a colored dot system to distinguish each student's respective microaquarium. This system consisted of three dots to classify our lab section, table, and individual seat at each table. After labeling the microaquariums, Dr. McFarland gave the class a virtual tour of 13 locations from which he had obtained water samples, giving a geographic and environmental overview of each site.  He then described his methods of collecting each sample, which we were expected to imitate when creating our own aquatic environments. First, he would collect sediment from the bottom of each area. Next, he collected water from the middle of each area. Finally, he would collect water from the surface. Due to this method of collecting, it would be possible to observe organisms that were present at each level within the water.
I decided to obtain my water sample from Dr. McFarland's sample 10.

10. Water pool below spring. Lynnhurst Cemetery off of Adair Drive. Knox Co. Knoxville TN. Partial shade exposure Spring Feed Pond N36 01.357 W83 55.731 958 ft 10/9/2011

 After filling my microaquarium with water, I placed two plants into it as well; Plant A and Plant B.
Plant A . Amblestegium sp. Moss. Collection from: Natural spring. at Carters Mill Park, Carter Mill Road, Knox Co. TN. Partial shade exposure. N36 01.168 W83 42.832. 10/9/2011
Plant B. Utricularia gibba L. Flowering plant. A carnivous plant. Original material from south shore of Spain Lake (N 35o55 12.35" W088o20' 47.00), Camp Bella Air Rd. East of Sparta Tn. in White Co. and grown in water tanks outside of greenhouse at Hesler Biology Building. The University of Tennessee. Knox Co. Knoxville TN. (, 2011).

Once my aquatic environment had been set up, I went to observe it under a microscope. There wasn't anything notable to be seen after viewing the microaquarium through the 4x and 10x objectives except for the plants. After this initial observation, I attached the microaquarium slide to the base and placed a cover over it to avoid water evaporation. 

References [Internet]. An inquiry into the dynamic microorganisms in our environment Botany 111 2011; c2011 [cited 2011 October 24]. Available from: